Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Easy Ride at the Beach

So, the reason my schedule's been all sorts of messed up this week is because we were headed to the beach yesterday for a short vacation with J's family.

Today, we took an easy ride - about 12 miles, we think - from our beach house to the end of the island and back. It was actually one of the most stressful rides of my life. There were a ton of intersections on the bike trail that really confusing. Some motorists waved you through, some didn't. It was hard to tell if people were turning or not. There were a lot of families on the trail, so that didn't help either. I almost ran into a kid when I said "on your left" and he started going left. Ugh. So stressful. On top of it, we were on the hybrids, so I didn't feel like we could move to the road.

Hopefully whatever our next ride is won't be as stressful!

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