Thursday, January 10, 2019

Whole 30, Take 4

A friend of mine decided in December to do a Whole 30 starting Jan 1. We were headed to Disney on vacation (whooo hooo!), so when I decided to join her, I knew I'd have to start a bit after her. Today was that day. I bought the Whole 30 "Day by Day" book to try to help myself along as well.

I've been having craptastic reactions to foods that I don't normally have reactions to, so I'm really hoping to pin point exactly which foods are becoming issues for me. I've been having some major allergy issues since we moved as well, so hopefully cutting some of these foods out will help with that too.

I'm also hoping to heal my gut (again). It'd be awesome if there was a side benefit of some weight loss, but I know not to count on it.

Foods I think I'm reacting to:
Sour Cream
Rice (especially when combined with the two above)

Day 1 went ok. Day 1 isn't usually the problem day though, so that's par for the course. Here's to day 2!

PS: I do plan to keep working out during this W30. I've been really loving the Peloton app - especially now that we've added the Kieser m3i spin bike & Sole F80 treadmill to our gym!