Wednesday, January 28, 2015

TRX workout

Today, we did TRX Force Workout 2. I'm really looking forward to working through this program. I'm still working on the 30 day yoga challenge. It's more yoga than I normally do, so it's been good.

I'm also getting back to Whole30, which is GREAT! My thyroid's been all over the place the past few months, so it's time to get back.

It's time to get running again. It's on my training plan for next week. Yes, next week instead of tomorrow. I may do a couple of bike rides between now and then to get my legs acclimated to moving with a quick turn over again.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Last week, This week

I owe a couple of race reports still. Oops! I'll get those up this week some time.

Last week, these were my goals:

Mon: TRX workout - DONE
Tues: Bike ride
Wed: 5k end of year race - DONE
Thurs: Bike ride
Fri: TRX workout
Sat: Run

Well, 2 out of 5 isn't horrible for a holiday week, right?

This week's goals are:

Mon - TRX workout & yoga - DONE
Tues - Run & yoga
Wed - TRX workout & yoga
Thurs - Run & yoga
Fri - Bike & yoga
Sat - Run & yoga

I started a 30 day yoga challenge & so far it's been good. I'm a few days behind, so my goal is to catch up this week.

Starting Wednesday, I'll be doing a Whole 30 again. I've got to break it for a trip we're going on later this month, but then will be right back on it for what will become a "Whole X". Not sure how long it'll go. I need it just to feel more human again!