My spin instructor, D has been bugging me to join her group on these long rides that they do. This is the first week I've actually been free (no races, no other events), so I decided to go. I drug my husband, J with me. We rode 38.1 miles in about 2 and a half hours. It was a good ride. Some W&OD trail riding, some road riding. My legs are screaming at me now, but it was great to do it.
Close to the 4H Fairgrounds, there was a biker down. Apparently, he (or she) got hit by a car. I felt horrible. Thankfully, there was a group of bikers and 2 cars who had stopped to help. They were already on the phone with 911 and an ambulance was on the way. I hope the biker will be ok and that no serious damage was done. It was a good reminder to not assume that cars are going to play nice.
We had lunch at a local BBQ place on the side of the W&OD. Great location for them - they clean up in the summer with all of the riders! The ride felt good, but man was I glad to be done at about 40 miles. I don't know how much more I would've been up for!
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