Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Half way through

This week seems to be dragging a bit, but we're sloggin through!

Tuesday, I did my bike ride (which was a comedy of errors) on my trainer. My roadie is up on the trainer... probably for the season. Sorry roadie! Let's just say that it was a good thing Jon wasn't home when I was getting the bike set up. I had to change out the back tire, which was funny. I did it... and had grease all over me! Ah well, nothing Lava soap can't take care of.

I had a massage yesterday, which was wonderful and productive. My knots in my shoulders are crazy and he was able to work on them a good bit. They're still there, but I think they always will be. Next month's massage is a hot stone massage! YAY!

After the massage, I went for an hour long swim. I'm really liking the swims with Team Z. The team really works that pool! Two notes:

1) We swam a timed 800m "race" simulation. I timed mine at 15:34! I *think* that's a PR for me! Of course, it'll be slower in an actual race. Something inevitably throws me off.

2) Jon's finally getting the whole idea behind swimming. He's been working really hard at it, and I'm proud of him! He had a lot of help from 2 coaches last night and seems to be progressing well.

Today, I did my weight lifting already. It's supposed to be crazy hot here today, so I'm going to do some yoga instead of run... I know they're not the same, but I also know I have an hour run as part of a brick later this week that I don't want to kill my shins for (too much running too short of time period = shin splints for me). Slowly getting back into my runs... which I need to do a bit more quickly given that my big race is coming up in 2 months, 6 days!


  1. Great swim!! Getting closer.

  2. Thanks! I was stoked! I can't wait to get up there for this race!

  3. Posting again to see if I am able to actually get my goggle account to work.
