I think I'm going to try to do a mid-week inspiration/reminder (if I remember) for a bit. Here's this week's...
This week, I'm really struggling with the 10 lbs I've put on since June. I can FEEL it. Workouts are getting harder because of it, I'm feeling pain where I haven't in a while, and all that jazz. I just really need to remember, my weight does NOT change who I am and I love who I am, so why should that change when I look in the mirror and notice the extra weight?
Monday & Tuesday's staying within the calories didn't go so well. I'm happy to say that Wednesday went much better. Hopefully today will as well.
I started a 30 day challenge with a group of friends to do some kind of exercise every day for the next 30 days. I need to figure out today. I should've gone to the gym this morning, but the painters were supposed to be here at 7:30... wellllll, they didn't show until 8. Annoying for sure, but I'll get over it. It just means I HAVE to do something tonight. Maybe I'll head over to the gym after my PT session with my client. We'll see how that all goes.
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