Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dulles Day 5k on the Runway

Official Results
Overall time - 33:47
Pace per mile - 10:54

Overall place -  xx out of 1407 (not really sure since PR does male/female results)
Division place -  110 out of 248
Gender place -  301 out of 774

For not training at all, this race went ok. It was a little warmer & more humid than I would've liked. 

The morning of the race, we parked at the Udvar-Hazy Museum. Parking was better than last year's. We did packet pickup the morning of the race again this year. They ran out of bags for bag check, so we just put our numbers on tape & put that on our shirts. 

Jon & I before the race
The race started on time, sending us 5kers down the runway. They had a helicopter overhead taking pictures and video. That got kind of annoying after a while. The run was flat & pretty uneventful. I love a race that's pretty uneventful!

I passed a friend of ours on the course & then got to see the other people we were looking for as they all finished. It was a good time! Definitely a race I'd do again.


  1. I had some friends that ran this race. I think it would be cool to run on an actual Runway. At least you would know the course would be flat! Can't wait to hear how your TOT race went! ~M

  2. I'm working on that race report - kind of slowly. This was probably one of the shortest race reports I've ever written!
