Monday, September 9, 2013

More dietary changes

Over the past week, I've been feeling like crap. I can tell I'm swinging hypo (my thyroid levels) and it's not fun. All I've wanted to do during the day is sleep and I can't because it'd blow any chance I have of sleeping at night... which I haven't really been doing. (All of this = cranky Heather!) The sleep is only one part of it.

Either way, with all of the reading I've been doing lately, we're going to give grain-free, gluten-free a try. I'm going to try to stick with it for 30 days and see how it goes. Not 100% Paleo because I'm not going dairy & sugar free, so more like the carb-sensitive plan described in the last post. We've cut our sugars down to maple syrup (the real stuff, yum!) and honey and I don't really feel the need to cut it out completely - at least not yet.

I've learned that grains & pastas are doing a number on my body. I'm up usually about 2 lbs after a carb-heavy meal. I can't keep doing that! I fight to maintain and fight even harder to lose weight. So, time to eliminate something I know causes me to have issues with weight. This should be an interesting next 30 days...

On another note: We did our 7 mile training run yesterday! Went ok. We were both a little cranky and didn't really feel like doing the run, so that didn't really help anything at all. Each time we took our Island Boosts, we felt great. I always love it when a nutritional product does what it says it's going to!


  1. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with all this! I can't imagine how frustrating it is! Hope these next 30 days (well 24 now) go quickly and you find an answer!

  2. Thanks Kristina. I'd rather try to figure it out via diet first... meds later. Meds require a blood draw every 4-6 weeks, diet is every 3-6 months. LOL. (I hate needles!)
