Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas to me!

Ok, the first part of this has nothing to do with Christmas. A friend was wondering what the new photos look like in our house. I had 2 of our vacation photos put onto canvas for our (recently) painted walls.

So, here they are:

Bar Harbor Lobster Wall (with pretty gray curtains next to it)

Seals on a buoy in Alaska
The second part of the post is that I got my self ordered Christmas present today! I'm ridiculously excited about it!

So pretty! Now... let's go running!


  1. I have now written down my password so I think I can log in as me :) Actually I am going to try and start one of these blogs myself. Love the prints and you are giving me some ideas. I wouldn't have thought to break up the lighthouse picture but now I want to think of doing something similar.

  2. Yay! I've always liked the look of the 3 panel canvases. Jon (being silly) wanted to put them all together, or with such a tiny break between them that I should've just gotten a single canvas. We compromised a little and did just about an inch apart. ;)

    Thanks about the shoes... now, to fight off this head cold and get out for a run in them! I'm supposed to have a 5k tomorrow. I'll only be able to do it if the cold stays right where it is (ears & throat for now). Ugh!
