Today, I had a mole near my armpit removed. I've been noticing that it's been getting a bit bigger and changing color, so it was time to go to the derm to have it checked out. I met with her before our vacation and she told me that it had to come off and go for a biopsy. So, I scheduled it for when we got back. I'm glad I did!
I can't work out, purposefully sweat, or do anything that might rub the scab off for 7-10 days, depending on how I heal. This is going to kill me. We only got one run in on the ship and it wasn't the one I wanted/needed to get in. And now, I can't do anything. Grrrr. Once it scabs over, I can probably ride my bike (on the trainer). Silly how a little mole can do this to you. It's all because of the location of it. Glad I didn't have any races planned!
I guess I have time to work on my core since I can generally do that without breaking a sweat. Maybe some yoga. Hmmm, that may be a good substitute!
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