Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chocolate Island Boost Testing - Not just for running!

One of the perks of being an ambassador for Island Boost is that I get to road test the new flavors. I was so excited when Laura told us that chocolate is the next flavor that she's working on.

I got the package with the chocolate Island Boost last week and have been waiting for the "perfect" workout. Today was that day.

Mmmm, chocolate!
When I opened the vial, I immediately smelled it. Because well, it's a chocolate energy product and historically most of the one's I've used in the past just don't smell & taste like chocolate. I'm VERY happy to report that this one DOES indeed smell like chocolate. Like very yummy chocolate. Almost like a chocolate shake (without the dairy!). I have a feeling that this is going to be good!

We were asked to take a sip before doing our workouts to get a taste. Oh boy, I'm afraid to buy these. I'm not sure if they'll ever make it TO my workouts! It's sinfully good. I can only imagine popping one of these into the freezer would be akin to having a nice, healthy fudgsicle waiting for me after a workout.

Initial taste test (prior to workout). It's silky smooth. There's a little aftertaste, but it goes away within a minute or so. Very chocolatey. (Can you tell I'm a bit of a chocoholic?!)

Then, I had lunch (avocado sushi & chicken with mixed vegetables) and waited for about an hour before my workout. Probably not the healthiest pre-workout meal, but i was seriously craving the avocado sushi. Anyhow... back to the review. I took the time to pump up my bike tires pre-workout.

After the hour, I did two Fitness Blender workout videos - low impact cardio & upper body - totaling about 50 minutes. Immediately following the videos, I went downstairs to my tri bike, turned on Tour de France, turned on the fan, put on my bike shoes, and hopped on. After I got the bike computer set up, I opened up the vial of chocolate Island Boost and started pedaling. My goal was 30 minutes.

The pain cave
I started out in a pretty easy gear. Even as easy as it was, I was struggling a bit. About 3:30 in, the Island Boost must've hit because my legs all of the sudden stopped screaming. Around 7:00, I was able to kick up the gearing and again at 13:00. Normally, I'd say it was just my legs getting warmed up, but they were already pretty warm prior to starting. I had no problems keeping my gearing where I wanted it and pushing my cadence (hey, I had to try to keep up with the guys riding Tour!). At 30:00, I felt like I could've EASILY kept going. Given that I wasn't wearing bike shorts (given the 1st part of the workout), I figured 30 minutes was enough.

The chocolatey-yummy goodness. All gone. :( 
I think I found my new favorite flavor of Island Boost; I can't wait until the chocolate flavor hits production and stores!

For now, I'll stick with Passion, Renegade, and Aspire and not so patiently wait for the chocolate to be available at REI.


  1. I agree. This is going to be my favorite IB flavor. I cannot wait for it to hit the stores!

  2. Agreed! Used it in a race on Tuesday and it's amazing!!!!!

  3. Great review, mines in the fridge waiting for Sat and my longer run. I can't wait though. It may come with me tmro on my 3 miler :)

  4. I LOVE all the great info here but what really caught me was "The Pain Cave".....awesome!

  5. Kristina - my "pain cave" is getting ready to go through a transformation. We're (finally) moving that couch & coffee table out of there (and putting 2 smaller chairs in) so it can be a true "pain cave". We don't really use it to watch tv all that much, so it doesn't make sense to keep it set up that way.

    Mmm, chocolate IB. Can't wait!
