Saturday, November 26, 2016

Bullet Journaling

This year, I've been using the Passion Planner. I liked it well enough. But, something was just off about it for me. I LOVE the idea of the Passion Planner - enough to order the smaller version for next year before I decided to ditch it - it just wasn't quite right for me. I road mapped my goals, did my monthly reviews, and all sorts of other things, but I found it just wasn't making me get "there". 

I started looking for another planner/organizer. Something that would fit what I needed. Except I had no idea what I really needed. I posted on Facebook asking friends/family which planners they'd recommend and did some research on my own as well. Several people suggested the Erin Condren planner, Happy Planner, Plum Planner, and Slice Planner. 

I came across the Bullet Journal (bujo) and was incredibly intrigued. It could be anything I wanted it to be. It could be as simple or elaborate as I want. Pinterest is full of ideas. 

I've been using the bujo for about a month now, and I'm really enjoying it! I'm somewhere between simple & elaborate with my spreads. It's been amazing how much more productive I've been since starting the bujo. 

With the Passion Planner, the entire day was planned out in 30 min increments. With the bujo, it's whatever I want. In my spread, I put the top 3 things I want to accomplish each day. It allows me to not feel boxed in by time, but still get things done. 

I started a second bullet journal, specifically for names of recipes from cookbooks. I may use it for meal planning as well, we'll see. My goal for this one is just to make meal planning and healthy eating easier. 

Heading into December, I'm going to re-evaluate my spreads & figure out what works best and go from there. 

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