Thursday, July 24, 2014

Catching up

Ok, I'm about a week behind in my blogging. Last Friday, I did TR Volunteer again. It was nice to keep the legs moving. On Saturday, we were supposed to run 4 miles. That never happened. Instead, we spent 3 hrs moving things around in the garage. It was a busy 3 hrs. Sorting through things, donation pile, trash pile, all that good stuff.

This week, I've done my weight lifting twice (Mon & Wed). I did TR Whorl on Monday. I was supposed to do it again on Wednesday. I was also supposed to run Tuesday & today. (Though, today's not a total loss yet!) So, what happened? We've been puppy sitting. I have no problems leaving my dog in the kitchen while I do a long workout. Not sure how the other dog would do in his crate while I'm downstairs cranking the workouts out, so I haven't done them. Tired reason, but it's the truth. The runs, we just haven't done. Jon needed to go to work early, blah blah blah.

So, that's where that all stands. I rescheduled the bike rides for next week. Easy enough. Just means riding all 5 days. Yikes!

In other news, we're getting our eating/portion sizes back under control. I've been cooking more (which also means more dishes!) and that's really helping. Jon's also back on the FitBit wagon, so that's helping too. It means he's actively trying to "be good" as well. Yay for healthier living!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Run & Yoga

This morning, we got out of bed even though neither of us really wanted to. We managed to get our 30 minute run/walk in. We're still doing a 1/1 interval. Today's weather was MUCH better than Tuesday's. Didn't feel like we were trying to breathe water.

No Bia, I do not have any beer. Especially at 6:20am!
After the run, I took a hurried shower, went to train a client, then came home & did a Yogamazing podcast: Yoga for Runners. I so needed that. My hips, especially my right one, have been so tight lately. I'm going to try to get in some yoga and/or TriggerPoint on days I run.

In nutrition news... I'm completely off the bandwagon. Here's to slowly climbing back on. Getting the workouts in gear has helped my mentality about the nutrition side a bit. I've been having a rough week though, so that's NOT helping. Baby steps, I guess!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Days 7-9

Slackin off already! Not really actually, just not blogging. I'm changing the "challenge" to myself to be active every day. Not necessarily run at least a mile every day. Why's this? Because well, I'm trying to get my strength on the bike going too. Can't do that if I'm only running.

Day 7: (Monday) TNT weight lifting for 45 minutes or so, 30 minute TrainerRoad Volunteer workout.

Day 8: (Tuesday) 30 min run/walk. 1min intervals. It sucked. Massage later. It rocked.
I think I will, thanks Bia!
Day 9: (Wednesday) TNT weight lifting for 45 minutes or so, 30 minute TrainerRoad Slide workout.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The weekend

Friday - Didn't run; headed to the campground for Saturday's race. Did a good bit of walking.

Saturday - Colonial Beach Sprint Tri. Race report to follow.

Sunday - Rest day. I feel really good for having done a tri yesterday with very minimal training.

Looking forward, I've got to get back on track! We're recommitting ourselves to better food, less snacking, and getting some training done!

I signed Jon & I up for the Maine Lighthouse Ride in September. Can't wait!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 3

Didn't run today, but took a couple of extra long walks with my pup. For a total of about 3.6 miles.

Trying to get him used to being in the car. He's just so adorable!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Day 2

A little slower than yesterday, but that's ok. Temps were a little more manageable, I think my body's going to go through some WTF?! moments.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mile a Day

Week 1 of Whole 30 didn't go as well as I planned. Maybe week 2 (a restart, really) will go better? Guess I should get a meal plan together.

Yummy CSA inspired meal
Today I decided to try to give myself some motivation, since races aren't really motivation enough these days. There are a ton of "challenge" type things floating out there. I chose to try to do a mile run a day. I'm not setting a number of days on it, just do a mile (at least, more if the training plan calls for it) of running a day. It's short enough to not injure myself, long enough that I have to actually get out of the house & do it.

Getting ready to head out for Day 1
And done!
I also finally got my road bike up on the bike trainer. The only reason it takes so long to do it is because I get lazy about switching out the regular tire for the trainer tire. I did that today (and got greasy hands!) and then realized that the magnet on the trainer tire is missing, so I can't connect to TrainerRoad. I went ahead and ordered the replacement today and it should be here Thursday.

"Roadie" on her stand with the 'mill behind her. She needs a name, still.  
Any suggestions on a name for "Roadie"?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Moving Forward

I'm over this cough. No really! I'm pretty much over it! The meds worked, though it was longer than 3-4 days. I'm still coughing a little, but nothing like it was. I'm finally feeling well enough that I got into my group trainer yesterday for a workout! YAY! Nothing like being gone for about a month. Ouch, I hurt today! It's ok. I'll move around a bit today and stretch it all out.

I have a sprint tri coming up, so maybe I can cram a bit of training in? We'll see. I don't really care about the results of this one, just need to do it & cross the finish line. This race season has been such a drag with 2 DNS.

Jon & I are starting another Whole 30 today. We keep putting it off & finally decided that July 1 was a good time to start!

B - sweet potatoes & chicken sausage (H)/eggs, bacon, fruit (J)
L - CSA stir fry
D - taco salad (no shells/chips)

B - sweet potatoes & chicken sausage (H)/eggs, bacon, fruit (J)
L - lunch meat wraps with kale salad
D - burgers with coleslaw

B - sweet potato, apple, pancetta hash
L - perfect chicken salad with salad
D - ?? need to figure out what's in the CSA this week!

I'll figure out Friday & Saturday based on what's in the CSA basket this week.

Tower of Terror training has to start this week too. Lots going on!