Thursday, July 30, 2015

Greatest 4th in the North 5k, Michigan

We recently took a trip to Michigan to visit with my grandma. We were there over July 4th and it seems that many towns across the USA have races on the 4th. There was one in a nearby town, so a bunch of the family decided to do either the fun run, 5k, or 10k. We had several people in our group that placed in the age groups - or even won the races the entered. Grandma was so happy to be able to see so many of her grandkids race.

I started out wearing my Fellow Flowers long sleeve shirt. Just after half way, I decided I was hot, so I took off the jacket & rocked out my Team Tough Chik jersey. I also decided I would wait for Jon since he wasn't too far behind me. I underestimated how far behind me he was. Ah well. It was nice to run in to the finish with him. Considering it was our first run since December, I was pleased with how it went.

A small group of those of us who raced 
A few of the "fun run" finishers (my nephew did NOT think it was "fun")
My 2nd cousin, who won the 10k
YAY! Finished!
Jon & I after the race
My lil brother got 1st in his age group - 4th overall - for the 10k

Monday, July 13, 2015

Whole 30 update

I figured it was time to come in and give an update about how things are going on Whole 30. The first week went pretty well. I had a couple of "off plan" but gluten free meals. I lost 3 lbs.

And then our pre-scheduled trip happened. I tried to prepare as much as I could. It wasn't meant to be. I knew that it probably wouldn't be though. 

And then last week happened. We'll just leave it at "it wasn't the best week". It definitely wasn't the worst week, but it wasn't good either. 

This weekend had promise, but it wasn't perfect either. So, with Jon on board, we restart (again) this week. I'm not beating myself up about the past couple of weeks, just moving on.

I have a couple of more difficult eating situations coming up, but I'll figure them out as we go. One trip I'll have a kitchen at my disposal. The other trip I'll at least have a mini fridge & probably microwave. *hopefully*