Apparently the upcoming races on my calendar aren't enough motivation for me to get moving the way I should be.
Several things have been lacking lately:
1) True commitment to my nutrition plan
2) True commitment to my workout plan
3) My hydration has been better
4) My flexibility
Here's what I'm going to do to change this:
1) I'm starting my ACE Health Coach certification
2) I'm going to rededicate myself to the TrainerRoad program I was doing
3) I'm going to rededicate myself to eating Paleo and potentially start another round of Whole30
4) I'm going to start drinking more water again
5) I'm going to add yoga into my daily routine
Things to get me motivated (read this as my GOALS):
1) We are attending a wedding in 2 weeks & I refuse to buy a new dress to wear
2) We're going to Disney soon & my shorts need to fit better!
3) We're going on a cruise in a few months & I want to feel good going into the cruise
4) I have a shirt from my 70.3 that I NEED to fit back into. It just doesn't look as good on the hanger as it does on me.